Teas for Anxiety on the Hand for Sleep

Teas for Anxiety on the Hand for Sleep

According to Chinese Medicine, the 12 meridians are represented on the hand. By evaluating the hand, you can bring blood and body fluid to that meridian. To evaluate what may need to be improved, you may feel tenderness on that spot on the hand.

Use the above diagram and locate stress along the reflexology of the hand. Gently massage with essential oils on these points. Massage could help release blockages in Qi flow, alleviate tension, and promote relaxation. 

Identify the teas below with the meridian you've evaluated and consider the recommended teas to drink in order to potentially improve sleep and restore balance to Qi blockages.


The heart meridian is associated with the heart organ and its related functions, including emotional well-being, circulation, and the regulation of blood vessels. Imbalances in the heart meridian can lead to issues such as emotional disturbances, anxiety, and circulatory problems. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the heart meridian on the hand.

Consider lotus leaf, jasmine, and/or jujube tea to restore imbalances of the heart, potentially improve sleep and feel less anxious.


Click here to purchase Lotus Leaf Herbal Tea

Lotus leaf - known for its diuretic and detoxifying properties. By promoting healthy fluid balance and aiding in the elimination of toxins from the body, lotus leaf tea may help reduce physical discomfort and support overall well-being, potentially alleviating anxiety symptoms.


Click here to purchase Jasmine Oolong Tea

Jasmine - the antioxidants in jasmine tea may support overall well-being and help mitigate anxiety symptoms.


Click here to purchase Zhoushi Fengqing Ripened Jujube Tea

Jujube - considered an adaptogen, meaning it may help the body adapt to stress and restore balance. By supporting the body's stress response system, jujube tea may help modulate the effects of stress and promote emotional well-being.


The lung meridian is associated with the lung organ and its related functions, including breathing, immunity, and the circulation of vital energy (Qi). Imbalances in the lung meridian can lead to issues such as respiratory problems, weakened immunity, and emotional disturbances. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the lung meridian on the hand.

Consider chrysanthemum, green, and/or peppermint tea to restore imbalances of the lung meridian, potentially improve sleep and feel less anxious. 



Click here to purchase Chrysanthemum Ripened Loose Pu-erh Tea Bag

Chrysanthemum - has a natural sedative effect, which can help relax the body and mind, reduce feelings of anxiety and promotes a sense of tranquility.


Click here to purchase 3 Green Tea Flight

Green Tea - contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which is known for its calming effects. L-theanine has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety by increasing the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with feelings of well-being.


Click here to purchase Dark Forest Fruit Tea

Peppermint - is known for its potential to support digestion by relaxing the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. By easing digestive discomfort, it may help alleviate anxiety associated with gastrointestinal symptoms.


The stomach meridian is associated with the stomach organ and its related functions, including digestion, nourishment, and the transformation of food into energy (Qi). Imbalances in the stomach meridian can lead to issues such as digestive problems, poor appetite, and emotional disturbances. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the stomach meridian on the hand.

Consider licorice root tea, red clover, and/or rosebud tea to support the stomach meridian balance, potentially improve sleep and relieve your anxiety.


Click here to purchase Marmalade Pu-Erh Tea

Licorice root - considered an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body adapt to stress and restore balance. Adaptogens are believed to have a regulating effect on the adrenal glands, which produce stress hormones like cortisol. By supporting adrenal function, licorice root tea may help modulate the body's response to stress and promote a sense of calmness.


Click here to purchase Red Clover Tea

Red clover - can have a calming effect on the nervous system. By supporting the nervous system, red clover tea may help reduce anxiety symptoms and promote relaxation.


Click here to purchase Peach Melba Fruit Tea

Rosebud - soothes emotional imbalances, promote relaxation, and can create a calming experience, potentially reducing anxiety symptoms and promoting a sense of well-being.


The kidney meridian is associated with the kidney organ and its related functions, including the regulation of water metabolism, energy storage, and the body's overall vitality. Imbalances in the kidney meridian can lead to issues such as fatigue, hormonal imbalances, and emotional disturbances. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the kidney meridian on the hand.

Consider cornelian cherry and/or white mulberry leaf tea to revive your connection with the kidney, potentially improve sleep and relieve your stress. 


Click here to purchase Chunky Cherry Tea

Cornelian cherry - are a good source of various vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Proper nutrition is essential for overall well-being, and consuming cornelian cherry tea as part of a balanced diet may support overall health, potentially influencing anxiety symptoms.


Click here to purchase White Mandala Tea

White mulberry leaf - contains compounds that may have a soothing effect on the nervous system. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, white mulberry leaf tea may help alleviate anxiety symptoms.

Large Intestine

The large intestine meridian is associated with the large intestine organ and its functions of waste elimination, detoxification, and maintaining the body's water balance. Imbalances in the large intestine meridian can lead to issues such as digestive problems, constipation, and skin issues. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the large intestine meridian on the hand.

Consider ginger, chamomile, and/or cinnamon tea to promote balance of the large intestine, potentially improve sleep and get rid of stress.  


Click here to purchase Gingerbread Chai Tea 

Ginger - can help soothe the stomach, relieve nausea, and improve digestion, reducing anxiety associated with digestive issues.



Click here to purchase Chamomile Rose Silver Needle White Tea

Chamomile - can increase oxidative stress in the body, leading to inflammation and other negative effects. The antioxidants in chamomile tea may help reduce these effects and support overall well-being.


Click here to purchase Rou Gui Oolong Tea

Cinnamon - has a positive impact on mood and may help reduce anxiety by promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Small Intestine

The small intestine meridian is associated with the small intestine organ and its functions of receiving and transforming food, as well as separating the pure from the impure. Imbalances in the small intestine meridian can lead to issues such as digestive problems, bloating, and emotional imbalances. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the small intestine meridian on the hand.

Consider lemon, green, and/or white peony tea in order to restore balance to the small intestine, potentially improve sleep and reduce stress. 


Click here to purchase Lemon Meringue Pie Tea

Lemon - Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that helps combat oxidative stress in the body. Chronic stress and anxiety can increase oxidative stress, leading to inflammation and other negative effects. The antioxidant properties of lemon tea may support overall well-being and help manage anxiety symptoms.


Click here to purchase Organic Gunpowder Green Tea

Green tea - contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which is known for its calming effects. L-theanine has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety by increasing the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with feelings of well-being.


Click here to purchase Premium White Peony Tea

White peony - can contribute to hydration and provide a comforting and relaxing experience. Engaging in the ritual of preparing and enjoying a cup of tea can promote mindfulness and relaxation, potentially reducing anxiety symptoms.


The liver meridian is associated with the liver organ and its functions of regulating qi (energy), storing blood, and ensuring the smooth flow of emotions and energy throughout the body. Imbalances in the liver meridian can lead to issues such as irritability, mood swings, and disruptions in the flow of qi. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the liver meridian on the hand.

Consider dragon well longjing and/or jasmine dragon pearl tea to restore balance to your liver, potentially improve sleep and relieve anxiety. 


Click here to purchase Organic Superfine Dragon Well Long Jing Tea

Dragon well longjing - can contribute to hydration, and engaging in the ritual of preparing and enjoying a cup of tea can promote mindfulness and relaxation, potentially reducing anxiety symptoms.


Click here to purchase Jasmine Dragon Pearls Long Zhu Green Tea

Jasmine dragon pearl - has been traditionally used for its calming and soothing properties. The pleasant aroma of Jasmine Dragon Pearl tea can have a relaxing effect on the mind and body, potentially reducing anxiety symptoms and promoting a sense of well-being.


The bladder meridian is associated with the bladder organ and its functions of storing and eliminating fluids, regulating water metabolism, and supporting the body's detoxification processes. Imbalances in the bladder meridian can lead to issues such as fluid retention, urinary problems, and emotional imbalances. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the bladder meridian on the hand.

Consider Pu-erh, Keemun, and/or Liu Boo tea to restore a balance in the bladder, potentially improve sleep and feel relaxation. 


Click here to purchase Ripened Aged Loose Pu-erh Tea

Pu-erh - has been traditionally used to support digestive health in Chinese medicine. Anxiety can often lead to digestive discomfort or symptoms such as stomachaches or indigestion. Pu-erh tea's properties may help soothe the digestive system and indirectly alleviate anxiety symptoms associated with digestive issues. 


Click here to purchase Keemun Imperial Black Tea

Keemun - contains L-theanine, an amino acid known for its relaxation-promoting properties. L-theanine has been shown to increase the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with positive mood and relaxation.


Click here to purchase Guangxi Liu Bao Cha Dark Tea

Liu Bao - has been traditionally used to support digestive health in Chinese medicine. Anxiety often affects the digestive system, leading to symptoms such as stomachaches or indigestion. The properties of Liu Bao tea may help soothe the digestive system and indirectly alleviate anxiety symptoms associated with digestive issues.


The gallbladder meridian is associated with the gallbladder organ and its functions of storing and secreting bile to aid in digestion and the processing of fats. Imbalances in the gallbladder meridian can lead to issues such as digestive problems, irritability, and decision-making difficulties. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the gallbladder meridian on the hand.

Consider oolong and/or Yerba mate tea to support a balanced gallbladder, potentially improve sleep and reduce stress. 


Click here to purchase Phoenix Dan Cong Oolong Tea

Oolong - contains a moderate amount of caffeine compared to other types of tea. The combination of caffeine and L-theanine in oolong tea can promote a state of alert calmness. It may help increase focus and mental clarity while simultaneously reducing anxiety symptoms.


Click here to purchase Los Angeles Latte Yerba Mate Tea

Yerba mate - is often consumed in a communal setting, where friends and family gather to share the beverage. This social aspect and sense of community can have positive effects on mental well-being, potentially reducing anxiety


The spleen meridian is associated with the spleen organ and its functions of digestion, transformation of food, and the distribution of nutrients throughout the body. Imbalances in the spleen meridian can lead to issues such as digestive problems, fatigue, and weakened immunity. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the spleen meridian on the hand.

Consider hawthorn berry, white tea, and/or honeysuckle tea to balance the spleen meridian, potentially improve sleep and experience a less stressful day.


Click here to purchase Waterlilies Fruit Tea

Hawthorn berry - has a long history of traditional use for cardiovascular health. By supporting heart function and circulation, hawthorn berry tea may indirectly help alleviate anxiety symptoms associated with cardiovascular stress.


Click here to purchase 3 White Tea Flight

White tea - generally contains lower levels of caffeine. Excessive caffeine intake can worsen anxiety symptoms in some individuals. The lower caffeine content in white tea may provide a milder stimulation without the jittery effects associated with higher caffeine consumption.


Click here to purchase Kumari Gold Tea

Honeysuckle - contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, such as flavonoids and saponins. Chronic inflammation in the body has been associated with increased anxiety and stress.


The pericardium meridian is associated with the pericardium organ and its functions of protecting the heart, regulating emotions, and facilitating the circulation of qi (energy) and blood. Imbalances in the pericardium meridian can lead to issues such as emotional disturbances, anxiety, and disruptions in the flow of qi and blood. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the pericardium meridian on the hand.

Consider licorice root and/or burdock root to balance the pericardium, potentially improve sleep and bring back some relaxation into your life.


Click here to purchase Marmalade Pu-erh Tea

Licorice root - has been traditionally used to support digestive health. Anxiety can often lead to digestive discomfort or symptoms such as stomachaches or indigestion. The properties of licorice root tea may help soothe the digestive system and indirectly alleviate anxiety symptoms associated with digestive issues.


Click here to purchase Underground Tonic Tea

Burdock root - contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation has been linked to increased anxiety symptoms. By reducing inflammation, burdock root tea may help alleviate anxiety symptoms associated with inflammation.

Triple Warmer

The triple warmer meridian, also known as the triple burner or San Jiao meridian, is associated with the regulation of body fluids, metabolism, and the overall coordination of the body's internal processes. Imbalances in the triple warmer meridian can lead to issues such as fluid retention, metabolic imbalances, and disruptions in the body's harmonious functioning. Drinking certain herbal teas can be a component of TCM practices aimed at restoring balance to the triple warmer meridian on the hand.

Consider white tea and/or seaweed in order to manifest balance in the triple warmer, potentially improve sleep and feel release from anxiety. 

Click here to purchase Lu Shan Yun Wu Green Tea

White tea - generally contains lower levels of caffeine. Excessive caffeine intake can worsen anxiety symptoms in some individuals. The lower caffeine content in white tea may provide a milder stimulation without the jittery effects associated with higher caffeine consumption.


Click here to purchase Ganesha Green Tea

Seaweed - is a natural source of iodine, which is essential for thyroid health. An underactive thyroid can sometimes be associated with symptoms of anxiety. By supporting healthy thyroid function, seaweed tea may indirectly help alleviate anxiety symptoms related to thyroid imbalances.



This information is for educational purposes only and not as a substitute for qualified medical or psychological intervention or assistance.  All content provided by Shanti Sleep and Empirical Grace (Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM, LAc) is intended for informational or educational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to cure, diagnose or prevent any medical, emotional or physical condition or illness, nor replace any medical treatment or health related advice from a GP or appropriate professional. Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM, LAc accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here. #ad #sponsored
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