Oils for Stress on the Face for Sleep

Oils for Stress on the Face for Sleep

According to Chinese Medicine, the 12 meridians are represented on the face. By evaluating the face, you can improve stress, improving sleep. 

Use the above diagram and locate stress along the reflexology of the face. Apply diluted essential oils on specific meridians along the face. Gently massage with essential oils on these points. Massage could help release blockages in Qi flow, alleviate tension, and promote relaxation. 



The heart meridian is associated with the heart and mind, as well as with the emotions and spirit. Imbalances in the heart meridian can lead to issues such as insomnia, restlessness, and emotional disturbances that can affect sleep. Applying essential oils along the heart meridian of the face may be done with the intention of restoring balance to this meridian and promoting better sleep.

Consider lavender and/or rose essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance of the heart meridian and potentially improve sleep.

Click here to purchase Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender - known for its calming properties, lavender essential oil is often used to reduce stress and promote relaxation. It's a versatile oil that can be beneficial for various TCM approaches to improving sleep.

Click here to purchase Rose Absolute Essential Oil

Rose - associated with emotional balance and can help soothe the heart and mind. Its gentle floral aroma is often used to support relaxation and emotional well-being.


The lung meridian is associated with the respiratory system, as well as the emotions of grief and sadness. It plays a role in the circulation of Qi (energy) and influences the overall balance of the body. Imbalances in the lung meridian can lead to issues such as shallow breathing, anxiety, and restlessness, which can impact sleep. Applying essential oils along the lung meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider eucalyptus and/or pine essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance to the lung meridian and potentially improve sleep.

Click here to purchase Eucalyptus Staigeriana Essential Oil

Eucalyptus -  known for its invigorating and refreshing properties. Its cool and minty aroma can help open the airways and promote a sense of clarity, which might indirectly contribute to better sleep.

Click here to purchase Mountain Forest Synergy Blend

Pine - has a fresh and woody scent that can help uplift the spirits. It's often used to promote emotional balance and create a sense of grounding.


The stomach meridian is associated with the digestive system, as well as emotions related to worry and overthinking. Imbalances in the stomach meridian can lead to issues such as digestive disturbances, anxiety, and restlessness, which can have an impact on sleep. Applying essential oils along the stomach meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider ginger and/or fennel essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance to the stomach meridian and potentially improve sleep.

Click here to purchase Lemon Ginger Ultra Light Moisturizing Gel

Ginger - has a warming and invigorating aroma. It can help promote digestion and reduce feelings of discomfort, which might indirectly contribute to better sleep.

Click here to purchase Sweet Fennel Essential Oil

Fennel - known for its digestive properties. Its sweet and spicy aroma can help support a healthy digestive system, potentially aiding in relaxation and sleep.


The kidney meridian is associated with the body's foundation, vitality, and essence. The kidney meridian also plays a role in regulating the body's yin and yang energies. Imbalances in the kidney meridian can lead to issues such as fatigue, stress, and hormonal imbalances, which can affect sleep. Applying essential oils along the kidney meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider cedarwood and/or sandalwood essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance to the kidney meridian and potentially improve sleep.

Click here to purchase Cedar Atlas Essential Oil

Cedarwood -  has a warm and grounding aroma. It's often used to promote relaxation and create a sense of calm, which can be beneficial for sleep.

Click here to purchase Australian Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood - has a woody and earthy scent that can help calm the mind and promote relaxation. It's often used in meditation practices.

Large Intestine

The large intestine meridian is associated with the elimination of waste and toxins from the body. It's also connected to letting go of things that no longer serve us, both physically and emotionally. Imbalances in the large intestine meridian can lead to issues such as constipation, tension, and holding onto emotional stress, which can impact sleep. Applying essential oils along the large intestine meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider peppermint and/or chamomile essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance to the large intestine meridian and potentially improve sleep. 

Click here to purchase Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint - has a refreshing and invigorating scent. It can help promote clarity and ease tension, which might indirectly support relaxation and sleep.

Click here to purchase Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile - known for its soothing and calming properties. It can help relax the mind and body, making it suitable for sleep support.

Small Intestine

The small intestine meridian is responsible for separating pure and impure substances in the body, and it's also associated with decision-making and sorting out thoughts and ideas. Imbalances in the small intestine meridian can lead to issues such as digestive disturbances, mental agitation, and difficulty in making decisions, which can affect sleep. Applying essential oils along the small intestine meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider bergamot and/or frankincense essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance to the small intestine meridian and potentially improve sleep.

Click here to purchase Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot - has a citrusy and uplifting scent. It can help promote a positive mood and reduce tension, potentially contributing to better sleep.

Click here to purchase Bestsellers Bundle

Frankincense - has a grounding and centering aroma. It's often used to promote a sense of tranquility and emotional balance, which can contribute to better sleep.


The liver meridian is associated with the smooth flow of Qi (energy), emotional balance, and detoxification. Imbalances in the liver meridian can lead to issues such as stress, irritability, and disruptions in the body's energy flow, which can impact sleep. Applying essential oils along the liver meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider lemon and/or rosemary essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance to the liver meridian and potentially improve sleep. 

Click here to purchase Lemon Verbena Essential Oil

Lemon - has a bright and uplifting scent. It can help promote a positive mood and reduce stress, which might indirectly contribute to better sleep.

Click here to purchase Rosemary Verbenone Essential Oil

Rosemary - has an invigorating aroma that can help improve focus and mental clarity. It might indirectly support sleep by reducing mental agitation.


The bladder meridian is associated with the body's ability to eliminate waste and release tension. It also plays a role in regulating the body's fluid balance and energy circulation. Imbalances in the bladder meridian can lead to issues such as tension, stiffness, and an accumulation of energy, which can impact sleep. Applying essential oils along the bladder meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider clary sage and/or marjoram essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance to the bladder meridian and potentially improve sleep.

Click here to purchase Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary sage - has a sweet and herbal scent. It can help promote relaxation and reduce tension.

Click here to purchase Spanish Marjoram Essential Oil

Marjoram -  has a warm and herbaceous aroma. It's often used to promote relaxation and soothe muscular tension.


The gallbladder meridian is associated with decision-making, courage, and the smooth flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. Imbalances in the gallbladder meridian can lead to issues such as indecision, irritability, and stagnation of energy, which can impact sleep. Applying essential oils along the gallbladder meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider ylang-ylang and/or neroli essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance to the gallbladder meridian and potentially improve sleep. 


Click here to purchase Ylang-Ylang 3 Superior Essential Oil

Ylang-Ylang - has a sweet and floral aroma that can promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.

Click here to purchase Neroli Essential Oil

Neroli - derived from bitter orange blossoms, has a calming and soothing aroma. It can help ease tension and promote relaxation.


The spleen meridian is associated with the digestion and transformation of nutrients, as well as the body's ability to generate energy (Qi). Imbalances in the spleen meridian can lead to issues such as digestive problems, fatigue, and a sense of imbalance, which can affect sleep. Applying essential oils along the spleen meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider sweet orange and/or ginger essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance to the spleen meridian and potentially improve sleep.

Click here to purchase Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Sweet orange - has a bright and uplifting scent. It can help promote a positive mood and reduce stress, which might indirectly contribute to better sleep.

Click here to purchase Ginger CO2 Essential Oil

Ginger - has a warm and spicy aroma. It can help promote relaxation and ease discomfort, which might have positive effects on sleep.


The pericardium meridian is associated with protecting the heart and regulating emotions. It's also known as the "Heart Protector" meridian. Imbalances in the pericardium meridian can lead to emotional disturbances, anxiety, and restlessness, which can affect sleep. Applying essential oils along the pericardium meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider patchouli and/or vetiver essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance in the pericardium meridian and potentially improve sleep.

Click here to purchase Patchouli Essential Oil

Patchouli -  has an earthy and grounding aroma. It can help promote a sense of calm and balance emotions.

Click here to purchase Vetiver Essential Oil

Vetiver - has a deep and earthy scent. It's known for its grounding properties and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Triple Warmer

The triple warmer meridian (also known as Triple Heater or San Jiao) is responsible for regulating the body's internal temperature, maintaining fluid balance, and coordinating the functions of the body's three "burners" or regions. Imbalances in the Triple Warmer meridian can lead to disruptions in the body's energy flow, including emotional and physical imbalances that can impact sleep. Applying essential oils along the Triple Warmer meridian of the face may be approached with the intention of addressing these imbalances and promoting better sleep.

Consider cypress and/or Melissa (lemon balm) essential oils or oil infused products to help restore balance to the triple warmer meridian and potentially improve sleep. 

Click here to purchase Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress -  has a fresh and woody aroma. It can help promote emotional balance and relaxation.


Click here to purchase Melissa (Lemon Balm) Essential Oil

Melissa (Lemon Balm) -  has a bright and lemony scent. It can help uplift the spirits and reduce tension.



This information is for educational purposes only and not as a substitute for qualified medical or psychological intervention or assistance.  All content provided by Shanti Sleep Health and Empirical Grace (Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM, LAc) is intended for informational or educational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to cure, diagnose or prevent any medical, emotional or physical condition or illness, nor replace any medical treatment or health related advice from a GP or appropriate professional. Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM, LAc accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here. #ad #sponsored
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