Masks For Better Sleep

Masks For Better Sleep

Using sleep masks can be an effective tool for improving sleep, especially in situations where light exposure or environmental factors can interfere with your rest.

Heres how sleep masks can contribute to better sleep:

1. Light Blocking:

Sleep masks create a barrier between your eyes and the surrounding light, helping to create a dark sleep environment. Exposure to light, particularly artificial or bright light, can disrupt your sleep patterns by inhibiting the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. By blocking out light, sleep masks promote deeper and
more restful sleep.

2. Shift Work and Travel:

Sleep masks are particularly useful for individuals who work night shifts or have irregular sleep schedules. These individuals often need to sleep during daylight hours when sunlight can be a significant disturbance. Sleep masks help simulate nighttime conditions, allowing for better sleep quality during the day.

Similarly, when traveling, especially across time zones, sleep masks can help you adjust to different light/dark cycles. They can aid in sleep during flights, in hotel rooms with unfamiliar lighting, or in situations where you need to sleep during daylight hours.

3. Power Napping:

Sleep masks are beneficial for power napping, especially if you're in a bright or well-lit environment. They help block out visual distractions and signal to your brain that its time to relax and rest. A quick power nap can improve alertness and cognitive function, and a sleep mask can facilitate a more effective nap experience.

4. Meditation and Relaxation:

Sleep masks can also be used during meditation or relaxation exercises. By blocking out external visual stimuli, they can help you achieve a deeper state of relaxation and focus, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your mindfulness practice.

When choosing a sleep mask, consider the following factors:


Look for a mask made from soft and breathable materials, with an adjustable strap to ensure a snug fit without causing discomfort or pressure on your face. 

Click here to purchase RiptGear Sleep Mask

Light-blocking capability: Opt for a sleep mask that provides complete darkness. Check if it has a contoured design or additional padding to prevent light leakage around the nose area.


Click here to purchase MZOO Sleep Eye Mask

Size and shape: Different sleep masks cater to various face shapes and sizes. Select one that fits you well and covers your eyes adequately without pressing against them. 

Click here to purchase Manta Sleep Mask

Breathability: Ensure that the sleep mask allows sufficient airflow to prevent overheating and ensure comfort during sleep.

Click here to purchase Cotton Sleep Mask

Remember to maintain good sleep hygiene practices along with using sleep masks to optimize your sleep quality. Creating a cool, quiet, and comfortable sleep environment, establishing a consistent bedtime routine, and minimizing exposure to electronic screens before bed can all contribute to better sleep.

Insomnia Or Lack Of Sleep 

Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently, and/or having a tough time staying asleep. This can be caused by an illness and/or emotions, feeling sad or stressed. Having a good sleep hygiene routine at bedtime can help you improve insomnia. A simple tip is sleep hygiene, going to bed at the same time every night and relaxing with music, reading, a bath, etc., before bed to relax into sleep. You may also work with your doctor. Ask your doctor about the correct dosage for melatonin for you.

Click here to purchase ASTURA Silk Eye Mask


Too Much Sleep

Oversleeping is defined as sleeping more than 9 hours a day. Illness, sadness, narcolepsy, and other sleep disorders can cause too much sleep. Consult a therapist and/or your doctor in addition to these tips. Use a light and/or aroma to gently and comfortably wake yourself up. 

Click here to purchase Alaska Bear Sleep Mask 

Click here to purchase ASAKUKI Essential Oil Diffuser 

Click here to purchase Dream Essential Oil for Diffusers


Snoring is a troubling problem and can worsen with age, weight, and obstructive sleep apnea. Snoring affects 40% of men and 20% of women. This not only affects the individual but also one's partner. Using a raised pillow, neti pot, or scent to clear the nasal passageways can help.

Click here to purchase InteVision Foam Bed Wedge Pillow

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is often caused by a thin, flabby throat. People with sleep apnea often have trouble breathing, causing disrupted sleep and fatigue during the day. In addition to our tips, please consider weight loss and reducing alcohol. Talk to your doctor. Dental devices and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy can help. Using a side pillow, humidifier, neti pot, or scent to clear the nasal passageways can also help.

Click here to purchase HOMCA Body Pillow 

Sleep Hypoventilation

People with sleep hypoventilation often have weak breathing muscles that may not breathe enough during sleep. This may be caused by severe lung disorders or weight gain. Without treatment, this may lead to heart failure. Please consult your doctor in addition to our simple tips. Using a humidifier, neti pot, or scent to clear the nasal passageways can help.

Click here to purchase Himalayan Institute Original Neti Pot

Click here to purchase Eucalyptus Staigeriana Organic Essential Oil


Circadian Rhythm Disorders

Sleep-wake cycle disorders or circadian rhythm disorders happen when one's internal clock is off. Your body does not know when to wake or sleep. A simple tip is sleep hygiene, going to bed at the same time every night and relaxing with music, reading, a bath, etc., before bed can help the body regulate its circadian rhythm. Ask your doctor about the correct dosage for melatonin for you.

Click here to purchase LitBear Sleep Mask

Click here to purchase Natrol Melatonin 5mg tablets 


Restless Legs Syndrome

People with restless leg syndrome have uncomfortable feelings in their legs and have to move their legs to stop the feelings. This condition can be worse in the evening to the wee hours of the early morning, affecting people's sleep. An acupressure mat and/or cold pack can help relax the legs. Also, consider an iron supplement, as it is sometimes caused by the body not having enough iron. Ask your doctor about the correct dosage for iron for you.

Click here to purchase AyurMat Premium Acupressure Mat 


Bruxism involves grinding or excessively grinding the teeth during the night while sleeping. It can worsen with stress and anxiety and cause teeth and jaw discomfort/damage. Relaxing the jaw and relaxing before bed can help reduce grinding. Please consider these simple tips in addition to a dental guard.

Click here to purchase Encore Guards


Narcolepsy is switching between being awake and asleep. People with this condition can feel sleepier and may have disrupted sleep. Consider using supplements to help the body stay asleep.

Click here to purchase ELMNT Triple Sleep Supplement Capsules 

Click here to purchase Blisque Natural Sleep Aid Supplement

Sleep Paralysis

People may experience sleep paralysis when they are awake and cannot move for a moment. Use a light and/or aroma to gently and comfortably wake yourself up.

Click here to purchase Revive Red Light Sleep Therapy

Sleep Talking, Sleep Walking, Parasomnias

Can include sleepwalking, sleep terrors, nightmares, sleep-related eating disorders, sleep paralysis, etc. These involve movements and talking while sleeping. Can happen when an individual is partially awake.


Nightmares & Night Terrors

Nightmares and night terrors can happen when one is not fully waking up. This can be very frightening for the person experiencing the nightmare and/or night terror. A good sleep hygiene routing can help. Counseling can also help. Consult your doctor in addition to these tips.

Rapid Eye Movement Behavior Disorder

REM is defined as Rapid Eye Movement. During REM, all limb muscles are relaxed. With Rapid Eye Movement Behavior Disorder; however, limb muscles are active, not relaxed. People with Rapid Eye Movement Behavior Disorder often act out their dreams with striking movements and lashing out. This can injure the person and his/her partner. Consult your doctor in addition to these tips. 

Using a mask and/or acupressure mat before bed can help to relax the limbs before bed.

Click here to purchase Sleep Monkey Luxury Sleep Mask

Click here to purchase VitaliZEN Acupressure Mat


This information is for educational purposes only and not as a substitute for qualified medical or psychological intervention or assistance.  All content provided by Shanti Sleep and Empirical Grace (Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM, LAc) is intended for informational or educational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to cure, diagnose or prevent any medical, emotional or physical condition or illness, nor replace any medical treatment or health related advice from a GP or appropriate professional. Anita Tadavarthy MAcOM, LAc accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole, as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here. #ad #sponsored
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